Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May 7, 2008

Well, great news today! The hospital called and Garrett's pathology from the biopsy was read as an R-1, which is "fantastic". There were only a few little cells of concern, but not enough to treat for now. He will have another biopsy in 4-6 months. Overall, the results of the surgery were as much as we could hope for. God is good!!!!!!!! Garrett's body is accepting his new heart really well. We'll adjust his medication a little to bring his levels up to par and continue to come in a few times a week for blood work and a thorough diagnostic, but now it looks as though we can start to heal emotionally and seek some 'normal' living, with obvious restrictions. At least there will be no immediate anticipation of any more surgery for a while.

We had a little bit of an anxious last few days, hoping and praying that everything would turn out well, and our prayers were answered with a resounding "Yes". Garrett didn't even have nightmares last night, which were expected from some of the medication he had to be on yesterday. He did see little orange butterflies when he woke from surgery and it was kind of funny as he drowsily tried to reach up and catch one in the recovery room. But at least he didn't have any giant gnomes or grizzly bears chasing him! :-)

These past few days have been filled with emotional highs and lows. Garrett was so scared for the surgery, and we tried to stay positive but also deeply prayed for no rejection. We also learned of the sudden passing of a very good friend. He epitomized the term "Cowboy Gentleman". Please keep Frank's family in your prayers. I know he is in paradise today.

Life is so very fragile, and we are blessed to have this little life charging forward with no signs of slowing down. The future looks very bright.

More good news soon. God bless you all and thank you again for all the continued support.


1 comment:

Tom J said...

Hi Garrett,

You probably don't remember me but I am a friend of your Mom and Dad. I am Kyle Jensen's Grandfather. I really enjoyed looking at the picture of you on these pages where you are wearing your cowboy hat, chaps and you have a rope over your shoulder. You could be on the cover of any cowboy magazine.

Your Dad has been sending me message about how well you are doing. I just wanted you to know that I think about you very often. Next year when you are playing baseball, I will be there for some of the games screaming my head off as you smack that baseball and are running around the bases.

You take good care of yourself, OK?

Tom J.