Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What a weekend! We were blessed with a couple great days. While the rash is still there and very noticeable, it's nothing compared to what it once was. His pain is very manageable now and he's been a very happy boy these past few days. Tonight as we curled up together, he asked me to check his heart "just to be on the safe side". What I saw blew me away. Garrett's resting heart rate was 97bpm! Just two weeks ago today, it was 151. It's working!!!

We had a few short visits from some great friends this weekend and they brought good thoughts and gifts from so many folks who are holding our little man up in prayer. We are truly so humbled by the outpouring of love and support. I didn't get permission to use names here, so I won't. But I can tell you that two incredible young men who Garrett has known his whole life designed some little bracelets, in Rockies colors, that say "Garrett Ross" on one side and "Cowboy Up" on the other. The two sides are separated by a heart and a cross. They are incredible and these two boys ventured out on their own to sell these for Garrett and spread the word. Jesus even told us that we need to follow the little ones like these for they will lead us to Heaven. Nobody can love like a child. Garrett and all of us are so beholden to them for their friendship. What a gift! Jessi, too, got a beautiful hand-made turquoise and silver native style necklace from some wonderful friends, just for being the best little sister ever.

Garrett also got about 2000 baseball cards (I've had to arm wrestle him for some of the old good ones...I lost) and a former Major League pitcher, who has a Major League heart, contacted us and said God put it on his heart to reach out to us. What a very kind and unassuming man. He sent Garrett a custom bat, a game jersey of his and some signed articles. One of these is a ball from pitching a perfect game! A little note said "it will be the perfect day when you can return this to me". He has raised the spirits of a little man whom he's never met. I'm grateful to everyone, beyond words.

There were t-shirts, and pennants and cards and coloring books........they all bring with them a gift that you cannot touch, but most certainly can feel. The healing power of love is stronger medicine than anything at TCH.

This afternoon Garrett and I watched the Colorado Rockies memorial service for Keli McGregor and were moved. We learned some lessons from his family and friends today as well. I was so proud of his daughter who bravely got up in front of hundreds of thousands who undoubtedly watched today as she spoke of this man's most important job ever....that of husband and father. When she spoke so proudly of "daddy", it reminded me again that no task I'll ever handle will mean more or leave more of a lasting legacy. I didn't know the man, but if his daughter is an example of who he was, he must have led a truly principled life and I would have been honored to meet him. He was my age...and he will be remembered most because of his role as "daddy". No greater title can ever be gained. Only this morning, I snuck out to visit the grave of my own "daddy" a short drive from here. I still seek his wisdom. I left a bracelet there for him.

Kathy and I even got away for about an hour this weekend while my sis-in-law watched the kids. It was the first time we've had "time alone" since this rodeo began. Kathy admitted to me that she thought we were losing Garrett this week. Her eyes told stories that most will never learn. No mother should ever have to endure what she has, yet she is strong and determined and I hope she never again has to wonder if she's tucked her baby boy into bed for the last time. She is amazing.

Tomorrow starts another week of tests and POSITIVE results. I feel it and believe it. The greatest athletes and warriors in the world will tell you that winning is 90% mental and 10% physical. We already know that Christ won the greatest battle for us. Now we'll take what little skill we have and continue this fight here with the grace He give us to stay positive, steady and "never quitting until God tells us to". Garrett said it best.

Have a great week. Walk in His footprints, they've already smoothed out the nastiest bumps in the trail. Those little rocks we step on might just be there on purpose to keep us from hitting something jagged.


1 comment:

Christy said...

So thankful for such a great weekend! We continue to pray everyday and can't wait to see you guys! Tell Garrett that Gavin says hey and to have a great day and he will call him after school today! Brendan says hey too! Oh, they said don't forget to tell Jessi hi as well! Have a blessed day!