Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 17, 2010

We got quite a neat present today. I heard Garrett laughing this morning and it was the first time I'd heard that sound for over a week. God, it was so beautiful. I can't believe I've become so routine in my world that the subtle nuances that typically go unnoticed are now resounding with thunderous exclamation. I guess it's a good reminder for me not to take for granted the really important things, like a child's laugh or the amazement on their faces when they think they've discovered a new bug or new breed of barn cat.

We really appreciate that pleasantry today. Yesterday was a little tough on the cowboy and family. Fortunately the end of this session of infusions is in sight and he can start feeling better soon. I'd gone home for a night to check on the horses and dogs and get some things done at work but before the day was out, I'd heard from Jessi 5 times, Kathy 3 times and Garrett 3 times. They were not at all comfortable with daddy being gone, so I pulled the pin and headed back to Denver. There was so much warmth and feeling of relief to have us all together. I even brought Garrett's rat terrier "Stella" back with me. The kids needed a little of home with them.

The latest update is that Garrett has lost about 7 pounds, but his lungs are clearing up nicely. He is still a little puffy in his face and belly, but it will take a while for that to subside because his liver is so enlarged. On Monday we plan to have another echo done, but we don't expect to see any big changes. What we do know right now is that this infusion treatment completely kills off all the white blood cells so he has no ability to fight any infection right now. At the same time, because the white cells are gone, those nasty T cells that attacked the heart are not there to hurt it any further. As his immune system re-builds, the new platoon of T cells should be indoctrinated to the new anti-rejection medication and not perform mutiny like the last crew. For now, the doctors will remove the pic-line this week because the risks of infection due to the open wound are greater than having to put another one in if he gets sicker later on.

Hope everyone is having a blessed weekend. We are, because we're all together as a family, and that's good enough.



Christy said...

hey, my mom and dad got me, you and Brendan wrestling masks in Mexico. they got you a Rey Mysterio mask.

You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

as soon as they'll let me i'll come see you.


LizAdelle said...

JD -

Just want to let you know I am praying for you and your precious family.

Liz Steinweg