Sunday, April 18, 2010

One Week Into The Fight - April 18

Garrett finished this round of treatment yesterday afternoon. He was really feeling tough but was a little better by nightfall. We celebrated our new found "freedom" from the hospital by having a slumber party with the four of us in the basement of my sis-in-law's place where we will build our fire for the next few months. We threw mattresses on the floor and everybody curled up together...sort of. We have to be careful because Garrett still has a pic-line in place. I'm hoping they take it out this week. The fear of infection is a little much. I stayed awake most of the night, it seems, going over and over in my mind how I missed the signs that he was getting this sick.

We woke up this morning and took our coffee out back, drinking in the beautiful spring day. Sure is a different morning than one week ago today. We've come far in such a short time, and our God in Heaven has calmed the waters.

I do want to caution everybody, though. The transplant staff reiterated yesterday again not to get too "excited" about our progress. This is still very early in the game and history has shown then that it's frequent for kids this sick to have severe setbacks. So we'll pick a steady pace, but have to remember who they're dealing with. This boy has beaten the odds so many times, and has more fight than anyone I know. They even talked about it yesterday, remembering Garrett as a baby. He always scared the heck out of them, but he refused to ever quit. That's why we're so positive about our chances. We know our boy!

We have a visit planned for today, from some kind folks with the Western Wishes Foundation. That organization has been so supportive of Garrett over the past few years. They survive on a shoestring, but manage to help "cowboy kids" all over the country who are sick. They are writing a chapter about Garrett's story in their 15th anniversary book.

I wish we could all go to church today, but can't afford to be around crowds of people. So for those of you who make it, please put in an extra word for us today. Thanks!

Thanks for all the prayers and support. We know how blessed we are, and we continue to pray for wisdom and grace to accept God's will.



Tom said...

I hope this beautiful day finds Garrett with a smile on his face. My name is Tom Urbani. I am local in Falcon and learned of Garrett last week through Angela Mast. I am new to the HPLL board and have been in Falcon for just over a year. I am a former pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals and in short want to help. When I heard of Garrett it was another reminder of Gods plan for me and that I needed to speak with you guys. I want to share with you what I would like to do, if you are willing to let me. I hope you read this and I hope God blesses your day. Tom Urbani

Unknown said...

Hi I just wanted to say that you are all on my mind and in my prayers. I am Gavin's aunt, and I have put Garrett on every prayer list I can think of. Hundreds of prayers went up today for Garrett, and they will continue.

Christy said...

Lots of prayers went up today from us as well! Gavin loves the picture mail on the phone....guess they can see each other after all! :)