Wednesday, September 29, 2010

VICTORY - September 29, 2010

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's scheme". God has told us this and we have tried hard to follow His direction.

Our loving God has responded to our pleas and given us a gift so incredible! Garrett's biopsy results, the pathology report from the tissue samples, came back a ZERO! Zero is the perfect number! That means that the rejection from Garrett's body fighting his heart is gone, gone, gone! In June, Garrett's numbers were a high 3, out of 4 total.

I cannot explain the elation we feel tonight. The family is already sleeping peacefully for the first time in many, many nights. Everyone is wiped out. We could not have imagined that the report would be this good. Kathy and I were already trying to figure out if we should even tell Garrett if the report came back with high numbers again. He's been so very scared. Jessi, too, even stayed home sick from school today because she was so nervous. But God blessed us with an incredible gift.

The bible tells us that "He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" . We have renewed strength tonight, when we most need it.

I can tell you that tonight, we are soaring! We realize that this journey is not over. There are roads yet to travel and we still have to wait for the PRA (Panel Reactive Antibody) test to come back. Those are the little devils that mean the heart was also fighting the body and caused Garrett to have plasmapheresis and a number of chemo-type infusions. But with the heart function no worse and the initial biopsy report perfect, we're expecting really good news!

Our God is an Awesome God, even without the good news. But folks, tonight we are resting more peacefully than we have in months. It looks as though now we can just look forward to Garrett's heart just continuing to heal and get stronger.

I will post more when we get the PRA results, but wanted all to know that we received great news tonight. Everyone was in tears as we heard. As I held him in bed tonight, Garrett prayed and thanked Jesus for His love and healing. He prayed and said "daddy, every night I wonder if it's supposed to be my time". "Now I think I'm supposed to be here a while". Pretty fantastic words from a pretty fantastic boy.

To all of you who truly deserved a personal phone call tonight, I apologize. I was selfish and enjoyed my time with the family, soaking in the best news we've had in months.

God bless you all, and thank you for the prayers which He heard and answered.

Tonight, we continue to wrap ourselves in His armor. We're ready for battle. Here's to victory again tomorrow!




Darice Zimmermann said...

I am so thrilled at your wonderful news. I have been quietly following Garrett's progress for the past two and a half years. Jens and I were in Omaha for his stem cell transplant while you were still in Denver recovering from Garrett's heart transplant. You took the time to send an email for Jens' birthday and that meant so much to both of us. I/we know first-hand the anxiety of waiting on the results of yet another test . . . and the elation of getting good news. I have identified so strongly with so much that you have written here and wanted to let you know that you are in our hearts and prayers and that we are celebrating with you today.

LizAdelle said...

Our God is an awesome God!!! What wonderful news!

I continue to pray for your family, JD, that you will draw strength from your faith in our God.

Stay cowboy'ed up, Garrett!